Monday, September 21, 2009

Funny Conversation with Madison

Madison has been so excited about school. Recently while doing homework with her she stated, "I can count really good. I can even count to the very last number."
Me: "Really? And which number is that?"
Madison: "Two billion and 52."
Me: "Madison, do you know that there actually isn't a last number? They go on forever."
Madison: "Really?" She smiled and then I realized I would then have a chance to explain the concept of infinity to a 5 year old. Not easy...well, not even possible. I should have just stuck with two Billion and 52. Most numbers above that amount aren't used much anyway. Nobody really has two billion and 52 of anything, except when you're talking about the US Budget deficit for something.


Iwan, Julia said...

Great story from your family's life, Mike! Please post more!

Thad said...

I do have to say that I dwell primarily in the millions and occasionally in the billions on my proposals, but it's all fantasy to me!