Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentines at the Kennedy School

Ok, if you're ever in the Portland area, you simply MUST go to the Kennedy School Theatre. It's an old school that they converted into a hotel/museum/theatre.

It's a great place especially for parents b/c you can do a movie and a meal at the same time. Kristen and I celebrated Valentines Day there on Friday. (strategically delayed it to avoid the crowds) They showed "Enchanted" which had both of us on the floor busting a gut. I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard. Maybe its just us, but "Enchanted" is truly funny...Happy Valentines Day friends!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Back from Spain Conference

I'm still jet-lagged and groggy eyed from our Spain conference. Good time there. it was great to see the teams from around the Area of Affairs get encouraged and refreshed after months on the battlefield. I was encouraged to hear a lot of stories of young men and women coming to Christ in the heart of Old Europe. Many of us in the west have given up on Europe. But God is doing a new work there. Even in France there were encouraging stories of students coming to Christ and spiritually interested. Praise God! Nerja is a nice little place on the mediterranean sea. I had a haircut there by a man named Luis. I saw him several times throughout the week as I would walk back and forth from the hotel to the internet cafe where I would call Kristen. I really wish there could have been more time to chase down guys like Luis and the cab driver I rode in with. I forget the cab drivers name but he played on the national soccer team for Uruguay against Pele some 30-35 years ago. Very interesting man. I left him a gospel track as we departed into the hotel. I'm praying he will read it...So we're back in Portland and getting into the groove...