Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ah yes, its the small victories that count!!!

I replaced a sprinkler head successfully today. I feel a deep sense of pride. I know, it seems like a small thing, but not for me, and not today! But really, i was nervous going into that challenge....wondering if I would wimp out and have to call on a pro. I simply had no idea how to do it. I never did it before. But I put my game face on and went after it with tenacity! Kristen was right there the whole time so I was able to demonstrate my skill to another person! I was also happy about getting a chance to use my folding "UTE TRAIL" knife. Thomas Ufer would be proud of me. Why do such things make us feel so good. These little victories in life can feel so great!

More importantly, God is really blessing us right now in this neighborhood. It's amazing. In a short period of time we've met about 6 houses of people around us, with kids and without. None know Christ as far as we can tell. God has given us a great group of people to get to know. Totally Cool! Just today we met a couple who live 4 houses up from us and the wife, Yulia is from Moscow, went to Moscow State University (the Harvard of Russia). We spoke Russian right here in our neighborhood park. Amazing how God works and orchestrates events in our lives!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

encouraged message!