Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Rain Vent

Oh, so tired of the rain. Rain, rain, rain. Everything is wet. So so tired of the grey, cold, wet, rain. Wet streets, grey skies...UGH!!! Sometime soon I'm going to read about how the rain affects people here in Portland. On balance, it can't be good. There is probably some scientific data or a study somewhere that shows some ill affects. There are nice people in Portland. There are good people too. (btw, I don't think the two are necessarily the you?) So, the effect of months of rain isn't something that JUMPS OUT at a person. I think its definitely a negative influence on the culture, just in a subtle kind of way. People do seem a bit more melancholy in comparison to people in say like southern California. I'm going to find a study. I really don't like this much rain. My soul is wet. Why did I post such nonsense? I have no idea!


t.a. said...


We got a note for you & Kristen delivered to our office. If you can call me at 503.222.3800 x368, I can forward it to you (rather than send it back to Texas).


Iwan, Julia said...

It's not nonsense at all, Mike. Living in Indonesia, the country of everlasting sun, I've realized that most Indonesians are very warm, smiley, friendly people. Russians on the contrary... I guess, they are... we are...I start forgetting that I'm a Russian myself oops! much nicer (not necessarily kinder) during spring & summer time :)