Tuesday, February 20, 2007


From Iberia to Siberia His love will reach.
From the shores of Baikal to Spains farthest beach.
In the heart of Mexico, in the jungles therein,
Even there His Spirit rustles within.
30,000 feet above Greenland his glory is known.
Her astral peaks in dawns pink glow.
In the streets of Tallinn, among the spires of Prague
His love is there, it carries me along.
In the Paria near a fire, in a dry and rocky place.
Even there his whispers speak glimpses of his face.
On the edge of the Grand Canyon his beauty is displayed.
In the Rockies of Montana the creation he has made.
From the back of that pickup, the eyes of a young boy did gaze,
On all of that celestial magnificence, and questions were raised.
What is He like? Does He know who I am?
Would He hear me if I call? Would He understand?
Through the taiga, on that train to the east I did sense
Once again His hand guiding us hence;
To bear forth his Word like so many times before
That they might believe, His Spirit we did implore.
And again, once more I experienced this anew,
that this God of ours is faithful and true.

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